Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 51 km W of Salsacate, Argentina
השופט הארגנטינאי הורה על מעצרו המיידי של מדורו בגין פשעים חמורים בוונצואלה
חוויאר מיילי נפגש בפעם השלישית עם האייל אילון מאסק בניו יורק
Earthquake of magnitude 6.0 - 88 km NNW of Villa General Roca, Argentina
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 20 km NW of Albardón, Argentina
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 25 km NW of La Puerta de San José, Argentina
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 25 km NNE of Tinogasta, Argentina
6 חודש לפניממשלת מדורו מאשרת כי היא ביטלה באופן חד צדדי את האישור לברזיל לשמור על שגרירות ארגנטינה בקראקס
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 46 km NW of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina
ארגנטינה, קוסטה ריקה, גואטמלה, פרגוואי, פרו, הרפובליקה הדומיניקנית ואורוגוואי גינו את צו המעצר נגד אדמונדו גונזלס: "אנו מגנים את הפרקטיקות הדיקטטוריות הללו"
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 44 km ESE of Londres, Argentina
Argentina recognizes Edmundo González as the "undisputed winner" of the Venezuelan elections
Milei confirms that Brazil will take charge of the custody of the Argentine embassy in Caracas: "We will soon reopen in a free and democratic Venezuela"
7 חודש לפניSituation at the Argentine Embassy in Venezuela at 8:55 am. DAET patrol and officials remain in front of the diplomatic residence
The situation at the residence of the Argentine embassy in Caracas. Opposition refugees report that more police patrols have arrived to harass them. They fear that they may try to break into the diplomatic headquarters
7 חודש לפניArgentina concerned about the "sensitive" situation of Venezuelan asylum seekers in its embassy in Caracas. "When diplomats withdraw, asylum seekers must withdraw, so there is no other decision than to continue protecting them"
María Corina Machado denounces that at the doors of the Argentine embassy in Caracas "there are armed hooded men" and asks the neighbors to come and protect it
Venezuelan Foreign Ministry: "Given this disastrous precedent, it decides to withdraw all diplomatic personnel in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay, at the same time, to demand that these governments immediately withdraw their representatives from Venezuelan territory."
Argentina's president Javier Milei:
Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announce a crushing victory for the opposition and the world is waiting for it to recognize defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death. Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will. Freedom Advances in Latin America."
Macron welcomes Milei with a hug in their first bilateral meeting
Argentina repudiates statements by Maduro and hopes for "electoral transparency": "The eyes of the world will be on Venezuela"
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 63 km WSW of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 51 km WNW of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina
Argentine government calls Maduro an "imbecile" after insulting Milei: "He has always been a dictator and they do not merit analysis"
Argentine delegation defends bilateral trade agreements in Mercosur, differing from the Lula government
The government of Venezuela issued a statement to reject Javier Milei's claim that a self-coup occurred in Bolivia
Sánchez appeals to science to combat "denialist" politicians 24 hours after Milei's arrival
Madrid asks Ayuso via burofax not to award Milei with the International Medal
Argentina’s Senate approved a wide-reaching slate of new laws that will put the country into a one-year state of emergency and broaden presidential powers over economic, security, and energy issues
אוסטין מכריז על ארגנטינה כחברה החדשה ביותר בקבוצת הקשר