Mobile Apps Privacy

This version of Liveuamap Mobile Apps Privacy policy from July 10th, 2024

Liveuamap LLC ("Liveuamap", "we" or "us") presents to you our digital services through our Android and iOS applications. Your privacy is important to us. This Mobile Applications Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") explains our information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used by us. This includes our mobile applications through which this Privacy Policy appears (each a "Service," collectively the "Services"). "Users" are persons that use the Services.

What Data Liveuamap App Collects Liveuamap collects Application preferences, available in Settings. Also purchase/subscription information received from Google Play services or App Store services, respectively for Android or iOS platforms. Purchase information allows us to enable features in Application. We are not storing any information to identify Application stores users, only information used to identify the purchase for a particular device. For Notifications Liveuamap uses“Onesignal”) service. For Analytics Google’s Firebase(“Firebase”) service. For advertisements inside applications Liveuamap uses Google Admob(“Admob”) platform, which is interconnected with Firebase. Liveuamap collects minimum needed data to serve improved services to its users. Liveuamap never collects any sensitive information about its users.

Geolocation service We use geolocation to send security notifications to the user. No personal data is stored; we only use coordinates to send relevant events and alerts to the user based on their location. Nothing except coordinates used. Coordinates shared with Onesignal service to send the notification.

Notification serviceWe are using built-in remote notification service to send incident notifications or news to user. Related data has been stored by Onesignal. Liveuamap is not providing any personal information like Names, emails, phones to Onesignal to deliver notifications, only device data and user-selected notification options, including selected region, selected language, and latitude, longitude if geolocation alerts enabled and user has explicitly geolocate own position.

Analytics serviceWe are using the “Firebase” service to collect information about Application performance for improving and service assurance purposes, about Audience for marketing purposes. Liveuamap is not providing any personal information like Names, emails, phones to Firebase.

Advertisement in applicationWe are using the “Admob” service to serve advertisements in the applications. Liveuamap is not providing any additional personal information like Names, emails, phones to Admob. Admob could use behavioral data to show Personalized Advertising.

Interactions with governmentsLiveuamap isn’t affiliated with any government entity, but could communicate government information via stories received from open sources, to raise awareness about such information. Liveuamap is transparent and provides all open sources, where it receives the information. Liveuamap is not providing any personal informations of its users to any governments.

Where Liveuamap stores Data and how it transfers DataAll Liveuamap application data stored on secure servers located in the European Union, we are using secure HTTPS connections to transfer Data, also using Cloudflare services to protect our servers.

Personal information in incidents/newsAll our stories were gathered from open sources, if you are subject to the story, but there are legal reasons to not show your private data, contact us and we will remove any information as soon as possible.

For any concerns or questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected].